Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ronald Shane Flynn is Clean

Recently, it has been proven that Ronald Flynn is innocent. All the accusations to him regarding GSBC turned out to be a lie.

It was Christopher Cangi who ruined Flynn's reputation to get out with his wrongdoings. It was he who stole GSBCs assets all along. Together with their fellow Cyberian,they managed to destroy GSBC and blame it to Flynn to get away with it. When in fact,they were the ones who should be judged by people.

Below is the summary of what they stole:

GSBC Trucks and Vehicles (valued at) $375,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Smart Screens (valued at) $750,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Executive car purchased by GSBC driven by Michael Lee (valued at) $200,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Radio equipment and studios (valued at) $475,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Television equipment valued at $500,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Computer equipment, lap tops, digital software, and furniture $425,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Newly renovated UPL building (Renovation costs $300,000 United States Dollars)

GSBC film and music library (valued at) 275,000 United States Dollars

GSBC 8 film purchase for video release with UPL (VALUED AT) 200,000 United States Dollars

GSBC Web site stolen by Yanzer Lee from Fireworks Solutions, and Ken Solusi, ScanData Systems and many more

Ronald Flynn’s art and statues from Hotel California (valued at) $4,000,000 Million United States Dollars

Ronald Flynn’s entire art studio at home (valued at) $3,000,000 Million United States Dollars

Ronald Flynn’s Private and personal Television equipment (valued at) 140,000 United States Dollars

Ronald Flynn’s Private vehicle’s (valued at) $250,000 United States Dollars

Ronald Flynn’s personal investment into Asia Television and Media (Valued at) $500,000 United States Dollars

Ronald Flynn’s Personal Bank funds stolen via phony signatures by S. Vanichsenee aka Chet the man pretending to be a legal attorney in Thailand

Ronald Flynn’s Thailand Company’s stolen via fraudulently signed documentation to the Thailand government by Steven Tung, S. Vanichsenee, Jerry Dubin, and Robin Kritchapat Srihirunpullop!

Just imagine how bad they are.